Monitoring with Amazon CloudWatch

What is CloudWatch?

CloudWatch acts as one centralized place where metrics are gathered and analyzed from the different AWS services.

Many AWS services send metrics automatically for free to CloudWatch at a rate of one data point per metric per 5-minute interval, without you needing to do anything to turn on that data collection. This by itself gives you visibility into your systems without you needing to spend any extra money to do so. This is known as basic monitoring. For many applications, basic monitoring does the job.

For applications running on EC2 instances, you can get more granularity by posting metrics every minute instead of every 5 minutes using a feature like detailed monitoring. Detailed monitoring has an extra fee associated. You can read about pricing on the CloudWatch Pricing Page linked in the resources section of this unit.

Each metric in CloudWatch has a timestamp and is organized into containers called namespaces. Metrics in different namespaces are isolated from each other—you can think of them as belonging to different categories.

AWS services that send data to CloudWatch attach dimensions to each metric. A dimension is a name/value pair that is part of the metric’s identity. You can use dimensions to filter the results that CloudWatch returns. For example, you can get statistics for a specific EC2 instance by specifying the InstanceId dimension when you search.

You can get started with custom metrics by programmatically sending the metric to CloudWatch using the PutMetricData API.

CloudWatch Dashboards

Once you’ve provisioned your AWS resources and they are sending metrics to CloudWatch, you can then visualize and review that data using the CloudWatch console with dashboards. Dashboards are customizable home pages that you use for data visualization for one or more metrics through the use of widgets, such as a graph or text.

You can build many custom dashboards, each one focusing on a distinct view of your environment. You can even pull data from different Regions into a single dashboard in order to create a global view of your architecture.

You are not bound to using CloudWatch exclusively for all your visualization needs. You can use external or custom tools to ingest and analyze CloudWatch metrics using the GetMetricData API.

CloudWatch Logs

CloudWatch can also be the centralized place for logs to be stored and analyzed, using CloudWatch Logs. CloudWatch Logs can monitor, store, and access your log files from applications running on Amazon EC2 instances, AWS Lambda functions, and other sources.

Some services are set up to send log data to CloudWatch Logs with minimal effort, like AWS Lambda. With AWS Lambda, all you need to do is give the Lambda function the correct IAM permissions to post logs to CloudWatch Logs. Other services require more configuration. For example, if you want to send your application logs from an EC2 instance into CloudWatch Logs, you need to first install and configure the CloudWatch Logs agent on the EC2 instance.

The CloudWatch Logs agent enables Amazon EC2 instances to automatically send log data to CloudWatch Logs. The agent includes the following components.

  • A plug-in to the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) that pushes log data to CloudWatch Logs.
  • A script that initiates the process to push data to CloudWatch Logs.
  • A cron job that ensures the daemon is always running.

After the agent is installed and configured, you can then view your application logs in CloudWatch Logs.

Log data sent to CloudWatch Logs can come from different sources, so it’s important you understand how they’re organized and the terminology used to describe your logs.

  • Log event: A log event is a record of activity recorded by the application or resource being monitored, and it has a timestamp and an event message.
  • Log stream: Log events are then grouped into log streams, which are sequences of log events that all belong to the same resource being monitored.
  • Log groups: Log streams are then organized into log groups. A log group is composed of log streams that all share the same retention and permissions settings.

CloudWatch Alarm

You can create CloudWatch alarms to automatically initiate actions based on sustained state changes of your metrics. You configure when alarms are triggered and the action that is performed.

You first need to decide what metric you want to set up an alarm for, then you define the threshold at which you want the alarm to trigger. Next, you define the specified time period of which the metric should cross the threshold for the alarm to be triggered.

Keeping all that in mind, to set up an alarm you need to choose the metric, the threshold, and the time period. An alarm has three possible states.

  • OK: The metric is within the defined threshold. Everything appears to be operating like normal.
  • ALARM: The metric is outside of the defined threshold. This could be an operational issue.
  • INSUFFICIENT_DATA: The alarm has just started, the metric is not available, or not enough data is available for the metric to determine the alarm state.

An alarm can be triggered when it transitions from one state to another. Once an alarm is triggered, it can initiate an action. Actions can be an Amazon EC2 action, an Auto Scaling action, or a notification sent to Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS).

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