Create a new Github repo Create a project in GCP UI Setup GAE API (just activate), Permissions (go to IAM and add it) and Cloud Build as well activate cloud-shell and add ssh-keys if not already added to Github: i.e. type ssh-keygen -t rsa than upload key to Github ssh settings Create an initial project…
Series: Cloud Computing
Run a VPS on AWS EC2
Go to AWS EC2, create a new instance, then on the Dashboard of this instance, click on Key pairs in the resources card and create a new ssh key pair. Just change format to pem: The key will be downloaded automatically. It can now be uploaded to cloud9 environment. Just switch over to cloud9, click…
Testing out AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Elastic Beanstalk is the PaaS component of AWS, it will automatically handle the details of capacity provisioning, load balancing, scaling, and application health monitoring. We will go to AWS Elastic Beanstalk Documentation, look for “Install the EB CLI” to install the eb cli on the cloud9 environment. At the time of writing it was just…
AWS Security Basics
AWS Shared Security Model: AWS is responsible for security of the cloud. This means AWS is required to protect and secure the infrastructure that runs all the services offered in the AWS Cloud. AWS is responsible for: The level of responsibility AWS has depends on the service. You’re responsible for security in the cloud.…